Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Blog Post 4: Evidence

Spirit of A Person. 12 Oct. 2011. Web 23 Oct. 2012
Maitreya reports evidence of a christian man hitchhiker all over the world. For example in Holland a Dutch Christian daily newpaper Trouw ran an article in April 1991 about a motorist that picks up a hitchhiker; a conversation about the future Kingdom of God came up and the hitchhiker announces that Jesus will appear soon and the disappears. The motorist approched a traffic policemen and tell them the story; they reply that he's the eight motorist that has told them the same thing. Similar stories happend in Mississippi, Florida and New Zealand. According to Haunted Stories in the Lydia Bridge nearly the highway 70 underpass located in Greensboro, North Carolina there seem to appears a lady who is dreeping wet asking for a ride home but once they arrived home she gone. When they knocked on the house an old lady informs them that it was her daughter that had die in a car accident years ago. In this case there is contradiction many people argue that they have seem her but others disagreed arguing that they have being at this place many time and have never seem a woman asking for a ride.

Maitreya. Share International. 15 Oct. 2005. Web. 23 Oct. 2012.
Haunted stories in North Carolina. 2011. Web. 23 Oct. 2012.

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